Saturday, February 16, 2008


......................................METIS HISTORY 101..............................................

Leadership of any nation... determines its place in the history of nations...I don't think anyone would disagree with that!!!!!!!!!...ONE CANNOT IGNORE THE FACTS....we have knowledge to-day where we can form opinions with some accuracy!!!!!!...some nations prosper some do not!!!!it Takes a lot of hard work and commitment!! to succeed..We see the evidence to-day with the internal strife of some nation's..!!!!..Indeed to-day we are witnessing the establishment of a new nation..Called........ KOSOVO..........I wish them Success..!!!!!It is a complex bisness...and it takes brave persons to take those steps...the rewards are self-fullfilling..!!!!!for many reasons..Now as a metis persons I have looked at us..... the metis PEOPLE....and ask myself why we are where we are to-day...!!!!!!.....from being a force to be dealth with in the 1870 what we are to-day a NPC' called the mmf/inc here in what is now called Manitoba...REDUCED TO RUNNING PROGRAMS!!!!! That to me does not Qualify the mmf/inc to call itself a GOVERNMENT FOR THE METIS NATION!!!!!...THE MAKING AND ESTABLISHMENT OF A METIS NATION IS BEFORE US TO-DAY ..!!!!!!!

Fortunat guiboche Feb 16 th 2008..metis territory......

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