Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Good morning Folks..

Yes folks metis historians wanted.. The term used here.. Metis Historians wanted means that exactly....checking this matter out I find that there are University types.. who claim that title...They take information already in print...!!!! and put out a Version of history from their point of view!!!..trying to make out that they are the experts in this field...Well i challenge that premise....What is sorely lacking here is the ability to put into print the thinking of metis people in different periods of metis history...they cannot do that ..only Metis people with the this unique capability can outline that thinking...these are the metis historian's i am talking about...some of you metis people have that ability...all you need is some encouragement and support...make yourself know to me ...and lets take it from there!!!you are the expert!!!!!!

Fortunat Guiboche ..Feb 5 th 2008...

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